Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window) http://india.gov.in, the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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माध्यमिक स्तर पर गुणवत्ता उन्नयन कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत अपेक्षित अधिगम स्तरों की पहचान तथा उपचारात्मक शिक्षण सम्बन्धी शासनादेश (2.8 MB)


Post Sanctioned 147 Upgraded Junior High School under RMSA (529.8 KB)


Post Sanctioned under Girls Hostel Scheme (329 KB)


Post Sanctioned of Executive Engineer & Assistant Engineer at State Project Office. (1.1 MB)


Post Sanctioned of Research Assistant & Resource Person in Guidance & Conselling Cell. (87.6 KB)


Post Sanctioned of Lab Assistant in Government Secondary Schools. (195 KB)


Upgradation of 147 Junior High Schools under RMSA in the year 2011-12. (7.3 MB) 


Upgradation of 58 Junior High Schools under RMSA in the year 2010-11. (3 MB)


Upgradation of 01 Junior High School under RMSA in the year 2009-10. (1.5 MB)


Upgradation of 22 Junior High Schools under RMSA in the year 2009-10. (2.3 MB)


Post Sanctioned at SPO & DPOs. (140.3 KB)

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