Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window) http://india.gov.in, the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

U-DISE Reports



U-DISE Reports (2011-12)

      All Management (951.4 KB)

       Government (937.6 KB)


U-DISE Reports (2012-13)

All Management & Government (228.1 KB)


U-DISE Reports (2013-14) (297.9 KB)


U-DISE Reports (2014-15) (263 KB)


U-DISE Reports (2015-16) (481.7 KB)


U-DISE Reports (2016-17) (131.9 KB)


U-DISE Reports (2017-18) (230.6 KB)

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